Costing of Non Budgeted Positions


Costing of Person (Non-Budget Costing):

  1. Navigate to Home → My Client Group → show more Search for ‘Non-Budgeted Costing’ quick action  Click on the link. 

  1. Search for required person in the ‘Search field’, when you select the person, it will open a details page where we define the costing either at Employment level or at Element Level.

  1. Select ‘Specific Date’ for ‘View Costing as of’ field to define the costing and enter the required Effective Date to define the costing.

  1. Select the required Costing Level (Employment Level/Element Level/All). If we select option ‘All’ then it will show all the sections to define costing.

  1. For ‘Assignment Level’ costing definition then click on ‘Add’ button in the section ‘Assignment Level’ which will open another Details page to enter the costing definition as shown in the below screenshot, click on ‘Add’ button and enter the costing details.

  1. Click on Ok → Submit → Submit to save the costing definition.



Article ID: 158256
Fri 4/5/24 10:49 AM
Fri 4/5/24 10:50 AM

