Colleague-Using XACDR to Add Student Restrictions


This article details steps to using XACDR in Colleague to add Student Restrictions. Prereqiosites and field descriptions are included.


Use the Assign/Change/Delete Restrs (XACDR) process to enter a restriction for a group. This screen replaces the XCDR screen that has been previously used.


  • Staff member must have Colleague Mnemonic XACDR available through the ST – Student System.
  • Staff member's Staff and Volunteer (SVM) record must include the appropriate office code to assign/change/delete a restriction.
  1. Navigate to Colleague.
  2. Enter Portal username and password and click Sign In.
  3. At the top of the screen, choose Navigation > Application > ST.
  4. At the upper-left corner of the screen, in the Form Search field, type XACDR and then click Search.
  5. Enter the action to be taken on the restriction.

There are three types of actions that you can take when editing restrictions.

(A) Assign a new restriction to an individual’s record.

(C) Update/Change/End Date an existing restriction on an individual’s record.

(D) Completely remove a restriction from an individual’s record.

  1. Enter whether to Update or just show what is proposed to be done.

If you enter No, a spreadsheet will display that shows what the update will do but NO UPDATE is actually performed.

              If you enter Yes a spreadsheet will display that shows the update performed.

       7.    Describe the input data which will be put into each record.

- Restriction

You need to further describe the restriction that you want Colleague to edit in each of the individual's records.  You must enter the type of restriction code to be edited. You can further describe the restriction in the following ways:

- Set Severity from Restriction

***   We have defaulted to copy the severity from the defined restriction to ‘Y’   ***

- Severity

- Start date

- End date

- Comments

If you are adding a restriction, the predefined severity will default. If you are changing a restriction, you must enter the appropriate changes. If you are deleting the restriction, no further description is necessary.

  1. Choose selection criteria for which records to edit.

- Enter the individual records you want edited. You can enter a saved list or type in a list of individual student ids.

***   We have added the ability to cut and paste in Student ids just like XCDR     ***

- If you are adding a restriction, the saved list must contain records from the PERSON file.

- If you are changing or deleting a restriction, the saved list must originate from STUDENT.RESTRICTIONS records.

- If you are changing or deleting records you can limit the selection to certain existing restriction start and end dates.

Additional:  You can add additional selection criteria if you answer Yes. For no additional criteria leave

                      the default as No.

  1. At the top of the screen, click Save All.
  2. A dialog box will appear, click Update.
  3. Click Save All again.
  4. Another dialog box will appear, click Update.
  5. Once the process is complete, click Finish.

For additional support, contact the Technology Service Desk at 940-898-3971,,, or submit a request through the Technology Service Catalog.


  • To use the copy-and-paste method, copy the group of IDs from any source, including Microsoft Excel. Then, paste a group of individuals' IDs or SSNs into the Students box then click the icon next to it. Right-click and select Paste to paste the IDs or SSNs into the text box in a vertical row (the maximum number of students for this field is 200).



Link to XCDR article:



Article ID: 154376
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Fri 10/20/23 11:00 AM



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