Colleague Student Planning: Requisite Warnings in Course Details


These warnings will display on the Course Details screen whether or not the student has actually met the listed requisites.

As a result, the student will not be prevented from registering for the course based on this information alone.  The actual enforcement of requisites for a particular student is set up in Colleague and uses registration rules.



In Colleague Self-Service 2.21:

The Course Details screen (within the Student Planning module) displays a list warning messages for any course requisites assigned to a particular course in Colleague.

These warnings are not tied to the student themselves, and will display regardless of whether or not an individual student has met, or still needs to meet, one or more of these requirements.

These warnings are for informational purposes, and will not prevent them from registering for a course if they have, in fact, met the Course's assigned pre-requisites.

Course Details

When a student visits the Course Details screen, Self-Service checks the Course Information for any Requisites that have been set up on the course in Colleague.

If any are found, they will be shown on the Course Details screen for that course (below).

Requisite Warning Messages 


These warnings will display on the Course Details screen whether or not the student has actually met the listed requisites.

As a result, the student will not be prevented from registering for the course based on this information alone.  The actual enforcement of requisites for a particular student is set up in Colleague and uses registration rules.




Article ID: 140498
Fri 1/7/22 12:08 PM
Mon 8/15/22 11:36 AM