Section Roster Updates in Student Planning


Colleague Self-Service/Student-Planning allows faculty and course managers to view, as well as update, a section's roster date. A roster may be Updated when the current date is between the Term's Census Date and the Term's End date. Summer sessions currently share a single Term Census and End date. If the current date is outside of that range, or when Final Grading is enabled in GRWP, the Roster will go into view-only mode, allowing the Roster to be viewed, but no changes may be made.


The Active Roster screen in Self-Service/Student-Planning exists to provide the Faculty of Record, as well as designated Course Managers, with the ability to view, as well as update, attendance data throughout the Term.

This screen is found using the following menu path in Self-Service/Student Planning:

Home Screen -> Faculty -> Faculty Overview -> Section Details -> Roster

Using the Roster Screen, Self-Service/Student-Planning will allow updating when the below conditions are met:

1) Today’s Date is between the Term Census Date and Term End Date.  Currently, summer sessions all reside within a single term, such as 2021SU.  As a result, any sessions within a Summer term will all share a single Term Census Date and Term End Date

2) When Final Grading is disabled in the GRWP Screen in Colleague UI.  Once Final Grading is enabled in GRWP (By entering the current TERM), the Active Roster will go into View-Only mode. 

3) When the Section exists in the currently Active Term.

Note: You will only be allowed to View a Roster if that section was in a previous term, Today's Date is outside the range between the Term Census Date and Term End Date, or when Final Grading has been enabled.



Article ID: 132753
Wed 5/26/21 11:41 AM
Tue 9/21/21 12:28 PM



Section Details.png Computer

Wed 5/26/21 10:44 AM