Getting Started with Groups in Canvas (Students)


Instructors can create groups inside a course as a collaborative tool that allows students to communicate with each other and work together on course assignments. Students assigned to a group can create their own discussions, collaborations, announcements, and conferences that are not visible to the rest of the students enrolled in the course.


What are Groups in Canvas?

Instructors can create groups inside a course as a collaborative tool that allows students to communicate with each other and work together on course assignments. Students assigned to a group can create their own discussions, collaborations, announcements, and conferences that are not visible to the rest of the students enrolled in the course.

Note: Instructors can see all activity inside the groups.

Go to Your Group Activity Page

Your group will collaborate in a separate area from the main course. Once your instructor has added you to a group, you will need to navigate to the Group Activity Page to interact with your group.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open your course.
  2. Look on the Sidebar (right side of the page) under your To Do list. You will see Course Groups. If you do not see this option, contact your instructor.
  3. Click the Name of the Your Group in Course Groups. The Group Home page will open.

Create Group Discussions

Unlike course discussions, your group members will be responsible for creating your own group discussion threads in your Group Activity Page. Only students in your group can see and participate in your group discussions.

Follow these steps: How do I create a discussion in a group?

Create Group Collaborations

Group collaborations allow your group members to create a shared Google Doc, Sheet, or Presentation within Canvas. Your group can work on these shared collaborations synchronously (at the same time) or asynchronously (at different times).

Follow these steps: How do I start a collaboration in a group?

Communicate with Your Group

Group Announcements

Announcements allow you to send important information and reminders to multiple people at once. You can create group announcements that will only be visible to students in your group (and your instructor). Group announcements can be edited and deleted by your group members.

Canvas has provided step-by-step guides to help you use group announcements to communicate with your group:

Group Conferences

Conferences allow your group to conduct a virtual meeting within Canvas. These conferences are similar to other virtual meeting options like Google Meet/Hangouts, Skype, or Zoom. You can record your conference if a group member cannot attend the meeting.

Canvas has provided step-by-step guides to help you use group conferences to meet with your group:

Return to Your Course

You will need to exit your Group Activity Page to return to your course. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Dashboard icon on the Global Navigation bar (left side of the page).
  2. Click the Course Card for your course.

Technical Support

To request technical support, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket.



Article ID: 120189
Wed 11/11/20 2:37 PM
Wed 11/11/20 2:38 PM