Zoom in Canvas (Instructors)


Zoom is an online service for live meetings, presentations, and training that supports real-time sharing of computer screens, individual applications or web-based content among two or more computers or mobile devices.


Our training only applies to instructors with a TWU Zoom Enterprise license. To request technical support, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket.

Zoom is a web conferencing and recording solution that is available in Canvas. Use Zoom to interact with students:

  • Practice Using Zoom before your first class session
  • Share your screen (Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides) while you talk, create an agenda on the 1st slide
  • Use chat to answer student questions, download files, and share links to course materials
  • Engage students with Polls, Breakout Rooms, and Shared Google Docs
  • Allow students to Co-Host
  • Record Zoom Meetings

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requires that we be able to confirm that the student enrolled in an online course is the student that is participating in the Zoom session. We meet this SACS assessment standard by requiring students to authenticate into the web conference with a unique username and password using pass through authentication in Canvas (the student’s authentication is passed through Canvas to Zoom).

Web conferencing (Zoom) is an online service for live meetings, presentations, and training that supports real-time sharing of computer screens, individual applications or web-based content among two or more computers or mobile devices.

Enabling Zoom and Creating Zoom Meetings in Canvas

To begin using Zoom in Canvas:

  1. Open your Canvas course
  2. Click Settings on the Course Navigation Menu
  3. Click the Navigation tab
  4. Find Zoom in the list (toward the bottom of the page) click the Options icon (three dots) and click the Enable button. Review How do I manage Course Navigation links?
  5. Find Panopto Recordings in the list (toward the bottom of the page) click the Options icon (three dots) and click the Enable button.
  6. Click Save
  7. On the Course Navigation Menu click Zoom.
    1. Click Authorize to allow Canvas to access your Zoom account.

Create Zoom Meetings to engage with students in your Canvas course:

  1. The most common scenario is to create a Zoom meeting to synchronously meet with the students in your Canvas course. These settings include:
    1. Click the Schedule a New Meeting button
    2. In the Topic field enter the name of the Zoom meeting
    3. In the When fields, select the Date and Time the Zoom meeting will start
    4. Select the Duration (This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time.)
    5. Select the Time Zone Central Time (US and Canada)
    6. Registration, Check Required
    7. Security - Check Passcode
    8. Audio, Select Both
    9. Meeting Options
      1. Check Enable join before host (allow students to interact prior to the instructor joining the Zoom Meeting)
      2. Uncheck Use Personal Meeting ID
      3. Check Only authenticated users can join: TWU Users
      4. Edit - twu.edu,mail.twu.edu (verify this is correct)
      5. Click Save
    10. Alternative Hosts, add the TWU Webmail of another Teacher (the alternative host must be listed as an instructor of record in WebAdvisor) in your Canvas course.
    11. Click Save

  1. Create a recurring meeting to use throughout the semester to meet with the students in your Canvas course. These settings include:
    1. Click the Schedule a New Meeting button
    2. In the Topic field enter the name of the Zoom meeting
    3. Check Recurring meeting
    4. Recurrence
      1. Select - No Fixed Time (to reuse throughout the semester) OR
      2. Select - Repeat every, Occurs on, End date
    5. Registration
      1. Check Required (No Fixed Time) OR
      2. Check Required (Recurring meeting)
        1. Select - Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend
    6. Security - Check Passcode
    7. Audio, Select Both
    8. Meeting Options
      1. Check Enable join before host (allow students to interact prior to the instructor joining the Zoom Meeting)
      2. Uncheck Use Personal Meeting ID
      3. Check Only authenticated users can join: TWU Users
      4. Edit - twu.edu,mail.twu.edu (verify this is correct)
      5. Click Save
    9. Alternative Hosts, add the TWU Webmail of another Teacher (the alternative host must be listed as an instructor of record in WebAdvisor) in your Canvas course.
    10. Click Save

  1. Click on the Personal Meeting Room tab to schedule Office Hours. These settings include:
    1. Edit this meeting to make changes
    2. Security, Select - Waiting Room
    3. Uncheck Enable Join before host
    4. Check Only authenticated users can join: TWU Users
    5. Edit - twu.edu,mail.twu.edu (verify this is correct)
    6. Click Save.


  1. Registration collects details about the attendees (like their email address) for Reports.
  2. Authenticated Users allows only individuals listed in People to join the Zoom Meeting.​
  3. If you have a Guest Speaker OR share the link to the Zoom Meeting with another Canvas course, modify the settings to include:
    1. Security - Check Waiting Room
    2. Meeting Options - Uncheck Only authenticated users can join
    3. Rather than having Zoom authenticate users, the host must authenticate users to validate the participants allowed to join the Zoom Meeting. At the start of the Zoom Meeting the Host or Co-Host will only admit students from the Waiting Room into the Zoom Meeting that have Registered with their @twu.edu GMail account.

Explaining Zoom Features for Teaching and Learning

To become familiar with the features available in Zoom to use for teaching and learning we will explain:

  • Getting to Know the Zoom Toolbar
    • Audio Settings - Testing computer or device audio, Mute all and unmute all, Joining a meeting by phone, Push to Talk
    • Video Settings - Testing video, Changing the video layout, Virtual background
    • Recording the Zoom Meeting - Finding and viewing recordings, Local recording, Cloud recording, Managing cloud recordings
    • Closed Captions - Disability Services for Students will assign a closed captioner to your Canvas course. When the assigned closed captioner has joined the Zoom Meeting, (1) click Closed Caption, (2) click Assign a participant to type, and (3) select the assigned closed captioner.
      • Live Transcription - If you are not using a closed captioner there is a live transcription option that will be 70% to 80% accurate.
    • In-meeting Security Options - Meeting controls that allow the host or co-host to enable or disable options during a meeting to secure the meeting and minimize disruption during the meeting. Most of the settings can be controlled using Zoom Web Portal Settings prior to the meeting.
    • Managing Participants - As the host in a meeting, you can manage the participants. By default, any participant in a meeting can share their video, screen, and audio.
  • Interacting with Students in Zoom
    • Screen Sharing - Sharing your screen, Video layout options while screen sharing, Switching Windows During Screen Sharing, Optimizing a shared video clip in full screen, Sharing Computer Sound During Screen Sharing, Requesting or giving remote control, Sharing a whiteboard, Using annotation tools on a shared screen or whiteboard
    • Using Annotation Tools - Meeting participants can annotate on a shared screen as a viewer or the one that started sharing your screen. You can also use annotation tools when sharing or viewing a whiteboard.
    • In-meeting Chat - The in-meeting chat allows you to send chat messages to other users within a meeting. You can send a private message to an individual user or you can send a message to an entire group. As the host, you can choose who the participants can chat with or to disable chat entirely. Private messages between participants are not viewable by the host.
  • Canvas Quick Tips: Breakout Rooms in Zoom - Center for Faculty Success (CFS) YouTube video
  • Canvas Quick Tips: Polls in Zoom - Center for Faculty Success (CFS) YouTube video

Reviewing Zoom Reports

Review a Zoom Report to verify students attended from the authenticated @twu.edu or @mail.twu.edu account. Students who did not authenticate cannot receive credit for grades, be used to determine the last date in the course, be referenced for financial aid reports, etc.

To review a Zoom Report follow these steps:

  1. Click Zoom on the Course Navigation Menu
  2. Click Previous Meetings
  3. Locate the Title/Topic of the Zoom Meeting, click Report (in the same row)
  4. From the Zoom menu (on the left) click on Reports
  5. Review the Report
    1. Confirm that the Email address is username@twu.edu or username@mail.twu.edu to verify the student is an authenticated user in your Canvas course.
    2. Click Export as CSV file to save and open the report in Microsoft Excel.

Note: Zoom Report information is only available for 30 days. Use the Export as CSV file to save the Zoom Report information to reference beyond 30 days.

Settings in Zoom Web Portal

The Zoom Web Portal is primarily used for changing your profile and selecting meeting settings.

  1. Log into the Zoom Web Portal
  2. On the Zoom Web Portal sign in screens, click Sign In
  3. Select your username@twu.edu Gmail account
  4. From the Zoom menu (on the left) click on Settings
  5. Click Sign Out before exiting the Zoom Web Portal

Support Options

  1. The Zoom Help Center provides online documentation.
  2. Contact an Instructional Designer to design learning activities for students or talk about effective ways to interact with students with Zoom in your Canvas courses.
  3. To request technical support, submit a Technology Service Desk email to start a ticket.



Article ID: 113411
Sat 8/8/20 12:00 PM
Fri 7/19/24 11:44 AM