Workforce Recruitment Plan Information

Texas Woman’s University’s Workforce Recruitment Plan for Recruiting and Selection addresses statutory requirements such as the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act, and the State Appropriations Act. These ensure equal employment opportunity for all applicants, uniform reporting procedures, and compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. 

Please refer to the TWU Search and Selection Handbook for procedures and assistance during the hiring process. The following steps should be followed by all departments during the hiring process:

  • Review the Workforce Recruitment Plan referenced in Section III of the TWU Search and Selection Handbook.
  • Complete a Workforce Recruitment Plan: EEO Compliance Review Hiring Checklist for each hire following recruitment and selection and submit to the Recruitment team prior to an offer being made.


Article ID: 32869
Wed 7/5/17 11:13 AM
Mon 4/8/19 2:44 PM