FMC Timeclock Kiosk Card Reader Configuration

In order for the card readers to work correctly they will need to be configured with the MsrReader Config tools v2.22 (or later) Software. The current version can be found here: \\madden\Tech Folders\_Departments\Facilities Management.

Extract all files from the zipped to the administrator profile desktop. From the admin profile you can run the configuration software with the following settings: Under the "CARD_TYPE_ENABLE" field (Upper Left Pane)  un-check all boxes except ISO Format.  Next, on the ISO Tab (Center Pane) , for TRACK2 delete the ";" from the PREFIX field and delete the "?" form the SUFFIX. With both of these fields empty click the "Download" button in the lower right pane. 

You can test swipe in Excel or a note pad to ensure the "; and ?" are not picked up on swipe. There will be two extra numbers at the end of the ID. These are a count for the number of physical ID's an employee has had. These will be excluded when swiping into the web page. By default this web page will only accept 9 characters. 

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Article ID: 155810
Fri 12/1/23 11:25 AM
Fri 12/1/23 11:25 AM